Surrogacy is an agreement, often supported by a legal agreement , whereby a woman (a surrogate mother) agrees to carry a child for a couple (intended parents).
Surrogacy law in Ukraine is considered to be one of the most friendly. Surrogacy in Ukraine is regulated by Article 123 of Family Code of Ukraine. It says that intended parents have parental rights for the child born by the surrogate mother and she has nor legal right for the child, so she can not take him. Surrogacy is also regulated by Order 24 and Order 787 of Ministry of Health of Ukraine.
Advantages of legal surrogacy process in Ukraine
Surrogate mother does not have any rights for the child
Commercial contracts for surrogacy are not prohibited in Ukraine, no limits of surrogate mother compensation are foreseen
No special licence needed
No court hearing of case needed
No adoption needed
The names of intended parents are put into the birth certificate
Surrogacy agreement must be concluded in writing and certified by the notary prior to embryo transfer!
Surrogate mother is a healthy young legally competent woman having a healthy child.
We send you the profiles of potential candidates for confirmation. In case you come for initial consultation to Kyiv, you can meet them in person. The candidates are approved by the doctors as well.
Gynecology scan
Blood type and Rh-factor
Full blod count
Coagulaiton profile
Biochemical blood test
Urine test
Hepatitis B, C
PAP test
High vaginal swab
X-ray of lungs
Scan of thyroid, internal organs and breast scan
Consultation of gynecologist, psychologist and general practitioner
It is our task and obligation to check the surrogate mother to help her with all her needs. We assist her in all her visits to fertility clinic, prenatal checks . You will get detailed report of it.
Our Contacts
Feel free to write and call us. Please, fill out the form below for free consultation